Patient: Page 17

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    A Patient-Focused Approach to Rare Diseases - Connecting with Multiple Stakeholders

    In order to successfully commercialize a rare disease product, manufacturers must consider the needs of multiple stakeholders. Adding to the challenge, each stakeholder may have unique needs. This creates increased complexity when marketing a therapy in the rare disease space, but also offers mul...

    By David Schneider • Feb. 1, 2018
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    Last Word

    Supporting Caregivers Scott Williams, VP, Head of Global Patient Advocacy and Strategic Partnerships, EMD Serono, talks about the company’s efforts to recognize and support unpaid caregivers. PV: What is the Embracing Carers program and EMD Serono’s role? Williams: Embracing Carers is a global m...

    By Scott Williams • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Clinical trial diversity

    As pharma wises up to the fact that the current playbook for improving clinical trial diversity has yet to make a meaningful impact, the quest is on to refine that approach.

    By PharmaVoice staff
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    Red Zone: Applying User Experience Design to Develop Effective Patient Suport

    Treatment nonadherence is a complex behavior that requires much more than a simple one-size-fits-all approach to address the challenge. What can pharma learn from the behavioral sciences to deliver patient support that is effective in improving tx adherence? Health psychology and behavioral econo...

    By Kate Perry • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Pfizer Service Provides Social Workers for Patients Pfizer Oncology Together is a first-of-its-kind offering for patients taking Pfizer Oncology medicines. The program offers dedicated social workers called “Care Champions" to help navigate the complexities that accompany treatment, such as ident...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 20, 2017
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    LivaNova Receives FDA Approvals for SenTiva Device for Treatment of Epilepsy Trend Watch: Health Technology Increases Wellness Across Epilepsy, Autism, and Weight Loss LivaNova, a market-leading medical technology company, has received FDA approval for its latest vagus nerve stimulation therapy (...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Last Word

    Digital Health Initiatives Georgia Mitsi, Senior Director, Search Evaluation & Digital Health Care Initiatives, at Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, discusses the company’s digital health efforts. PV: What is the driving force behind the many digital health initiatives at Sunovion? Mitsi: Sunovion’s ...

    By Georgia Mitsi • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Trending 2018: What Does the Future Hold?

    We tasked the PharmaVOICE 100 community of industry executives to think about some of the most important trends they expect will challenge the status quo, move the industry forward, and contribute to breakthroughs in medicine and business models. Their thoughtful insights signal the multitude of ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Trending 2018: Pipeline Disrupters

    In recent years, several therapeutic disruptors have hit the market, pushing aside current standard treatment protocols. From hepatitis C cures to immuno-oncology therapies, recent approvals have upended how diseases are treated, providing patients with significant advances. Pharmaceutical, biote...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Trending 2018: Treatment to Wellness

    Attitudes about treating disease are undergoing a fundamental shift as the life-sciences industry faces pressure to demonstrate value. Increasingly, there is a move from treatment to prevention, diagnostics and cure, which KPMG says is leading to the rise of new competitors. By 2030, practitioner...

    By Kim Ribbink • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Red Zone: Healing Patients With Digital Warmth: A Prescription for Life Sciences

    Earlier this year, ReD Associates and Cognizant conducted an extensive research that cut across disease areas to understand how patients heal – that is, what happens when people face a health risk or issue and need to manage or overcome it. By participating in people’s everyday lives, we found th...

    By Bhaskar Sambasivan • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Red Zone: safety portal: Increasing Patient Safety While Reducing Cost and Complexity

    Although it sounds straightforward, global safety reporting of clinical trial adverse events is complicated, time-consuming and extremely expensive. Despite the substantial investment of time and money, research shows that global safety reporting is not protecting patients as well as it could. Dr...

    By Steven Beales • Nov. 20, 2017
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: Patient Solutions: Responding to the Needs of the Savvy Patient

    Responding to the Needs of the Savvy Patient When healthcare IT strategist Leonard Kish referred to patient engagement as the blockbuster drug of the century, he tapped into an important realization: that the patient has to be at the center of everything a pharmaceutical company does. Today’s pat...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 1, 2017
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    A Roadmap for Patient-Centric Patient Support Programs

    Patient-centricity is widely embedded into the mission statements and values of biopharma organizations. It gives purpose and urgency to efforts across research, development, and commercialization. Yet patient-centricity often is vaguely defined — making the goal hard to achieve. Teams striving f...

    By Lauren Walrath • Oct. 1, 2017
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    Precision Medicine Meets Precision Patient Support

    In the value-driven healthcare environment, orphan drug manufacturers are becoming increasingly aware that improving adherence requires a new approach to patient understanding and support. Take for example the required lifestyle, nutritional or physical modifications often necessary for patient c...

    By Kathi Henson • Oct. 1, 2017
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    Impact Patient Outcomes Without Talking to the Patient

    Patient marketers are used to providing valuable patient services and information directly to patients. But if the goal is to accelerate patient outcomes, the needs of the caregiver should also be addressed. Patient marketers know that caregivers play an important part in patients’ lives, but the...

    By Andi Weiss • Oct. 1, 2017
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    The Connected Consumer

    At some point during the far-off days of the Carter administration, Carnegie Mellon expanded its Computer Science department, leaving programmers farther away from the department’s only Coke machine. So rather than trek down a couple of floors only to find an empty vending machine, or worse, a ma...

    By Johanna Skilling • Oct. 1, 2017
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    Letter from the Editor

    Patients as people The term patient-centricity has been used so frequently — including in the pages of PharmaVOICE — that it has almost begun to lose meaning … almost. Patient empowerment began to erode the traditional power center of medicine — the doctor — with the first direct-to-consumer adve...

    By Taren Grom • Sept. 1, 2017
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    The Future of Patient-Focused Marketing from the Agency C-Suite

    Marketers in the life-sciences field are facing ever-evolving challenges to meet ever-changing patient expectations. According to one recent study, 77% of patients start their health journey online beginning at a search engine. This action alone provides marketers huge opportunities as well as ch...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Sept. 1, 2017
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    Patient-Centered Trials

    Researchers, physicians, pharma, and biotech developers all want to do the right thing for patients. Everyone in the industry understands the need to develop transformative therapies for those with disease. But historically, patients have often been invisible. Although patients are the ultimate c...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Sept. 1, 2017
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    The Patient Advocates

    Nikki Levy Caring Connections Title: VP, Patient Engagement Company: Alkermes Inc. Education: BS, Communications, Illinois State University Family: As a child of a single mom she learned to be fiercely independent, internally motivated and to value hard work Hobbies: Running, reading, traveling A...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Aug. 1, 2017
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    Last Word

    Bringing Patients’ Voices to Drug Development Sudip Parikh, Senior VP and Managing Director of DIA Americas, talks about the Drug Information Association’s survey of patient-centric initiatives in drug development. PV:  What are the notable findings fromDIA’s survey about patient-centricity in dr...

    By Sudip Parikh • June 1, 2017
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    Improved Patient-Centricity Means Improved Patient Diversity Too

    Increasing the diversity of patients enrolled in clinical trials of new medicines has become a growing theme for improving the clinical trial process. There is broad recognition that research participants need to be representative of the patient population who will ultimately use the product. Res...

    By Scott Gray • June 1, 2017
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    eConsent: Reducing Uncertainty to Retain Patients

    Imagine you’re applying for a new bank account. A bank associate guides you through forms, pointing at where your signature belongs. He’s got good intentions and wants to help, but speaks quickly with jargon and acronyms. You leave feeling cautiously optimistic, as you still have questions. Weeks...

    By Eric Delente • June 1, 2017
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    HBA Rising Stars & Luminaries: A Vision of the Future

    PharmaVOICE asked the nearly 100 industry executives identified by their companies as HBA Rising Stars and Luminaries to identify the biggest trends they believe will impact the industry in the next few years. Top on their lists are innovation and value. They also tackle the topics of big data, p...

    By PharmaVoice Team • May 1, 2017
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    Rare Recruitment

    Efforts to bring treatments to market for the approximately 7,000 rare diseases affecting more than 350 million people globally have been stepped up in recent years. But in order to bring products to market, companies must conduct clinical trials with a large enough patient population — relative ...

    By Kim Ribbink • May 1, 2017