Commercialization: Page 46

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    Sales, Marketing, and R&D?Trends affecting the healthcare industry U.S. Pharmaceuticals Market is Improving Trending now: Patient access is broadening with implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Medicaid. The outlook for the pharmaceutical market in the United States i...

    By Denise Myshko • Sept. 27, 2014
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    Tools of the Trade

    New Electronic and Web-Based Applications, Sites, and Technologies IMS Health Introduces Cloud-Based Sales Solution Trending Now: New solution combines territory-specific intelligence, advanced performance analytics, and innovative mobility features. IMS Health has launched the U.S. version of Ne...

    By Denise Myshko • Sept. 27, 2014
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    What's New

    Coalition Aims to Help Prevent Abuse and Diversion of ADHD medications Trending Now: Industry stakeholders band together to address medication misuse. The Coalition to Prevent ADHD Medication Misuse (CPAMM) was formed to prevent the misuse, abuse, and diversion of ADHD prescription stimulant medi...

    By Ann Grey • Sept. 27, 2014
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    Social Buzz

    Engagement Solutions Allow for Better Interactions Trending now: Mobile apps drive interaction across all stakeholder groups Sanofi Adds Texting to BGStar Device Sanofi recently added an automatic texting component to its diabetes management products BGStar and iBGStar that automatically sends a ...

    By Taren Grom • Sept. 27, 2014
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    Innovator's Corner

    A New Frontier in Eye Care Jeff George, Global Head of Alcon, talks about the company’s agreement with Google to develop a smart contact lens, which has the potential to transform eye care. Alcon is developing a smart lens technology that includes sensors, microchips, and other miniaturized ­elec...

    By Jeff George • Sept. 27, 2014
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    Imdustry at Large Genzyme Announces Launch of Expression of Hope III Genzyme, a Sanofi company, has launched Expression of Hope III, a global program of inspiration and awareness featuring works of art by the community of people affected by lysosomal storage disorders (LSD). This unique program e...

    By Denise Myshko • Sept. 27, 2014
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    Letter from the Editor

    Collaborating for Success Going it alone when it comes to drug development is a business and R&D model falling out of vogue. The highly competitive and IP-protective pharmaceutical industry is opening its proverbial R&D vaults with the hope that a diverse meeting of the minds and diversit...

    By Taren Grom • Sept. 27, 2014
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    C-Suite: Outsourcing

    Outsourcing We asked C-suite executives throughout the outsourcing ecosystem to provide their ­insights on what the biggest opportunities for innovation are, what are the biggest ­barriers, and identify a recent innovation that is improving the process. Nick Demling Executive VP Planet Pharma Opp...

    By Taren Grom • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Coupling Productivity to Compliance in Customer Communication for Life Sciences

    In the digital world, the engagement of a complete collaborative ­compliance solution is now essential to ­ ­accelerating process efficiency through review to release, and ultimately for product ­commercialization. Inefficiency through medical/promotional content review and approval within the li...

    By David Bennett • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Storytelling: It's How We Communicate

    To engage patients and HCPs, we must focus on the customer journey, not the brand journey. Storytelling is an interesting concept. Think about the last time you were out with friends — every conversation was punctuated by “stories" of our different experiences. It’s how we help people understand ...

    By Jay Bolling • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Stepping Up Brand Relevance in the New Age of Healthcare

    “The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. She wants all the information you can give her." David Ogilvy Confessions of an Advertising Man It’s always refreshing to see t...

    By Shelagh Brooke • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Planning and Implementing an Effective Non-Personal Promotion Campaign

    Non-personal promotion (NPP) is a more effective method of reaching and engaging physicians than the ­traditional representative-centric model. NPP allows pharma companies to connect with HCPs on cost-effective channels they trust and use regularly, leveraging tactics that seamlessly integrate wi...

    By Robert D. Bedford • Aug. 28, 2014
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    "Big Data" No Longer Just a By-Product of the Healthcare System

    The huge increase in high-quality information on patients and their interactions with HCPs is demanding a big shift in our marketing efforts. Marketers must now understand that success isn’t only about generating data — it’s also about generating insights from that data, and then actions from tho...

    By Jeff Meehan • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Why Small Ideas are Now The Big Idea

    Today’s pharmaceutical marketers need to weave many small ideas to touch each patient at the right place and time. For decades marketers looked at “big idea" and “reach and frequency" as the cornerstones of their campaigns. Today a one-size-fits-all idea repeated at top volume no longer qualifies...

    By Boris Kushkuley • Aug. 28, 2014
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    What Star Wars Teaches Us About Achieving Audience Engagement

    The most significant and critical shift in marketing today is in focusing on audience needs and­ ­preferences, rather than on the tactical aspects of a campaign. Sometimes pharma marketing can feel like a dramatic saga — there are the good guys, there are the bad guys, there are rebels, people wh...

    By Eugene Lee • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Commercial Development in a Complex Environment: Maximizing Future Success

    Future planning defines the destination that will best help the company achieve commercial success and then develop the most effective strategy required to arrive at that destination. Importantly, this strategy is as much about determining what not to do as well as what to do. Today’s biopharma c...

    By Mike Suesserman • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Physician Employment and the Shift of Influence in Healthcare Delivery

    With the delivery of healthcare becoming more consolidated, decision making is now centralized within a group of powerful health systems that oversee complex networks of hospitals, nursing homes, medical offices, and practice groups. Driven by reform, such as the Affordable Care Act, health syste...

    By Dave Escalante • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Telling a Complex B2B Story With Two Words

    The journey to a complete ad campaign taught us that we need to think differently about ourselves in order to allow our customers to think differently about us. We took a four-phased approach and sought the counsel of agencies partners and perspective from our associates along the way. The averag...

    By Andrew Schultz • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Ushering in the E-Patient Era

    For the true era of e-patients to arrive, we need to understand where they are on their journey and ­leverage technology that is both easier and better for them. Has the era of the e-patient really arrived? And by “e-patient," we mean those individuals who actively participate in their health and...

    By Emily Tower • Aug. 28, 2014
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: Marketing: Marketing for the Masses

    Marketing messages today may be reaching more people through the growing use of technology, at the same time those messages are becoming more personal. Customer-centric messaging, patient engagement, and personalized content are an increasingly important part of the marketing tool kit. As digital...

    By Taren Grom • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Innovative Use of Data

    As patients adopt digital in their daily lives, the data that are being generated can be utilized — with consent, or in an anonymized manner — to provide a complete view of the patient’s health and well-being, along with how medication can become a part of that overall program. We now live in a d...

    By Ritesh Patel • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Renewed Focus on a Longstanding Issue

    Data quality management deserves further attention simply because many companies have yet to ­master it; few companies, in general, seem to have data that meet their quality standards. Life-sciences companies have always sought to manage the quality of their master data — records on customers, pr...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Aug. 28, 2014
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: Data Management: A Key Business Driver

    With so much data now available, there are a number of opportunities and challenges related to developing actionable insights to drive business success. Big data, smart data, and analytics are key concepts that continue to drive conversations and business decisions throughout the industry and thr...

    By Taren Grom • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Stability and Growth Attract Pharma to Chile

    Chile is becoming more attractive to global pharmaceutical companies as the market continues to show strong growth. One of the most stable and prosperous countries in South America, Chile has embraced democracy since the dictator General Augusto Pinochet was removed from power in the 1980s. With ...

    By Kim Ribbink • Aug. 28, 2014
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    Brand Identity in a Consumer-Driven World

    Branding strategies evolve to meet new marketplace demands. Brands are up against new barriers as the control of what product gets prescribed and filled shifts from the physician to the payer and, even more importantly, to the patient. As healthcare consumers claim more and more power over their ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Aug. 28, 2014