Commercialization: Page 73

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    Service Consolidation Recommended for Clinical trial Offices Emerging centralized clinical trial offices (CTOs) are among the newest developments within the research administration infrastructure of academic health centers. Little uniformity exists in the structure or functions of existing CTOs, ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    IMS Health’s Ask IMS is a cost-effective, Web-based service that provides strategic market intelligence to help drive the growth and success of early-stage biopharmaceutical companies. Drawn from IMS’ comprehensive pharmaceutical market information, Ask IMS offers timely decision-making support f...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    What's New

    inVentiv Health’s recently launched risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) offering provides pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients with a customizable suite of REMS-related services that can be delivered through a single, integrated program. In an effort to assure safe use of prescript...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    In Memoriam Linda Ley Ciccarelli Linda Ciccarelli, VP and senior director of media services at Sudler & Hennessey, passed away on Sunday, Sept. 27, 2009, at her home in Wakefield, R.I. A founding member of the Association of Healthcare Media Directors (AHMD), Ms. Ciccarelli was a longtime lea...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    For Art's Sake

    CREATIVE review The mind often plays tricks on the memory. I’ve kept a fading mental picture of this outstand ing ad for years, and now that I’ve seen it again my recollection has been indelibly altered.The headline type size isn’t as small as I remembered. There’s more body copy than I recalled ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    Pharma Outlet

    Sy Syms, founder of the offprice designer clothing chain that carries his name, loves to say that “an educated consumer is our best customer.” In fact, he loves the concept so much he registered the phrase “educated consumer” as a company trademark. But that doesn’t mean Sy has a patent on using ...

    By Jack Trout • Nov. 9, 2009
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    What's on your mind: Opinions

    A “Free Economy?” I, for one, am getting sick and tired of the Federal Government interfering with what we used to refer to as the “Free Economy.” Capi talism doesn’t work if there is interference from outside organizations. When there are rules placed on competitors in a free economy, benefiting...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    Raise Your Voice: Letters

    Worth the price of admission For years, economic developers have flocked in droves to the semiannual World Congress of the International Development Research Council (IDRC, now CoreNet). But if the recent BIO 2002 conference in Toronto is any barometer, the International Biotechnology Convention ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 9, 2009
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    Letter from the Editor

    PUBLISHER Lisa Banket EDITOR Taren Grom CREATIVE DIRECTOR Marah Walsh DIRECTOR OF SALES Darlene Kwiatkowski CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Virginia Kirk Denise Myshko Elisabeth Pena Kim Ribbink Alex Robinson Lynda Sears Copyright 2002 by PharmaLinx LLC, Titusville, NJ Printed in the U.S.A. Volume Two, Numb...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 9, 2009
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    CRM: Connecting the Dots...

    CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT BY TAREN GROM CRM requires a multilevel, enterprisewide view of customers — thereby demanding a strong customer data management business practice . A 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a 25% to 85% profit increase,depending on the industry. — HarvardBus...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 4, 2009
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    Swimming the Channels

    Think back 15 years and consider how much simpler the role of marketing a brand was. There were a few solid, inescapable channels to choose from to reach an audience. Printed materials, such as direct mail and collateral, were a mainstay of many marketing efforts; television or radio provided a m...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 4, 2009
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    buster brands,”says David Lipson,forecasting practice leader at IMS Global Consulting.“But we are not see ing the avalanche that some feared. Although the number of major new product launches was smaller than usual last year, the genuine value provided by medicines introduced over the past dozen ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 3, 2009
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    For Art's Sake

    Creative Review Let’s face it — physicians don’t see erosive GERD as lifethreatening or the relief of heartburn as rocket science. So it’s entirely appropriate to take a lighthearted approach to promote Protonix, the proton pump inhibitor from Wyeth. And because GERD is an ailment that most often...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 3, 2009
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    What's on your mind: Opinions

    Digital Docs Albert Einstein said, “I never think of the future, it comes too quickly.” This is true for most of the doctors in Amer ica. According to the latest research from PERQ/HCI Media, 30% of doctors have PDAs, and that is expected to double over the next cou ple years. Therefore, we have ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 2, 2009
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    Raise Your Voice: Letters

    An Important Frontier Kudos to the PharmaVOICE team for having brought together a very useful forum on the topic of diversity and multicultural market development for the pharma industry. I received many calls from the industry, and the topic and the theme is definitely going to be an important f...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 2, 2009
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    Letter from the Editor

    PUBLISHER Lisa Banket EDITOR Taren Grom CREATIVE DIRECTOR Marah Walsh DIRECTOR OF SALES Darlene Kwiatkowski CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Virginia Kirk Denise Myshko Elisabeth Pena Kim Ribbink Deborah Ruriani Lynda Sears Copyright 2002 by PharmaLinx LLC, Titusville, NJ Printed in the U.S.A. Volume Two, Nu...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 2, 2009
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    Talent Pool

    Pharma POOL Robert GELBARD ICN Pharmaceuticals Appoints Former Ambassador to Head International Efforts Former Ambassador Robert Gelbard joins ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc. as senior VP for international affairs and government relations. Mr. Gelbard is the com pany representative with foreign governme...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 2, 2009
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    NEW ELECTRONIC AND WEBBASED APPLICATIONS, SITES, AND TECHNOLOGIES BioSpace Inc., a provider of Webbased products and information services to the life sciences industry, has formed a collaboration with MediBic, a Japanese bioventure company, to exchange information in an effort to support new biot...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 2, 2009
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    Extending its line of therapeutic class research, NOP World Health has added Diabetes Patient Market Study to its portfolio of disease state research. The staff of diabetes experts who support the study, which has been produced by NOP World Health’s sister com pany, RoperASW since 1989, will be i...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 30, 2009
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    For Art's Sake

    CREATIVE review The Procardia ad series of the early 80s set a visual standard for me.They represent the classic pharmaceutical ad. Elegant in design and function,the Cadillac of eyetracking perfection creative director, Sudler & Hennessey,New York,the series of Procardia ads, which ran almos...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 29, 2009
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    Brave New Digital World

    Pharma companies must be bold and confident in their deployment of electronic solutions or risk being left behind on the technological superhighway. Patients and physicians are migrating in droves toward Web- and mobile-based healthcare solutions. The overall number of e-health consumers who go o...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 27, 2009
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    Next-Generation Bar Coding Can Revolutionize Health Care Promotion

    Topin & Associates Imagine standing at your medicine cabinet scanning a prescription pill bottle with the camera on your smart phone and immediately calling up detailed consumer product information. Imagine an ER physician scanning a 2-D bar code on a patient’s driver’s license and having det...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 27, 2009
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    Four Tips for Better Physician Recruitment

    Buddy Scalera, Vice President, Interactive Content and Market Research Rima Nachshen, Senior Vice President, Director Client Services A strong, well-nurtured list can help brand managers reach their communications goals and manage messaging costs. Respecting your list means respecting the physici...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 27, 2009
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    Creating a Better Electronic Compliance Program

    Boris Kushkuley, General Manager Shane Mayer, Account Group Supervisor In the healthcare arena, we can leverage the power of mobility to integrate the idea of compliance into patients’ everyday lives, even while they’re on the go. If the old retail adage is true — it’s cheaper to keep an existing...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 27, 2009
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    Mobile Marketing for Pharma: An Innovation Lab* Whitepaper

    Compass Healthcare Communications In May, Compass Healthcare Communications gathered together some of the Mobile Marketing industry’s leading authorities to participate in its Innovation Lab Series. The Series provides insight and guidance about emerging marketing trends and how to successfully a...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 27, 2009