Commercialization: Page 62

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    Letter from the Editor

    The way forward… Nov. 30, 2011 — a day that will live in healthcare infamy. This is the date that Lipitor, the most successful drug ever (average global sales of $12 billion a year over the past 15 years), began to face generic competition. Almost immediately, my email inbox and Tweet deck began ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Dec. 22, 2011
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    Multi-Channel Sales Solutions: The Evolving Sales Model

    A multi-channel option offers live interaction while bringing real expertise and informational and educational support to the conversation with multiple stakeholders. As the old saying goes: out of adversity comes opportunity. Perhaps this is nowhere more evident than in biopharmaceutical sales. ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Enter the Age of the E-Reader

    E-readers are the perfect device to deliver more engaging, emotionally ­ connecting, or richly informative content to patients in the form of an e-book, short story, newsletter, or e-magazine. Buddy Scalera, SVP, Interactive Content and Market Research,Ogilvy CommonHealth Interactive Marketing, p...

    By Buddy Scalera and Carrie Baczewski • Nov. 11, 2011
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    E-Solutions: Not Just Another Pretty Face

    J. Knipper and Company I was recently visiting a client who had just been given a demonstration of a Web-based shopping cart product. He had a medical device that he wanted to make available to doctors for online ordering and resale, so he had been reviewing various e-commerce solutions. He was v...

    By Steve Gransden • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Health Outcomes Research: An Evolution Towards Personalized Medicine and The Digital Future

    Medicine and the Digital Future eResearchTechnology Inc. Health outcomes research has emerged as the science of measuring the benefits to patients of new medical products and empirically substantiating those benefits. The term “health-related quality of life" (HRQL) first began to appear in regul...

    By Linda Deal • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Global: A Shrinking World

    Taren Grom Global reach, emerging markets, and cross-divisional ­ expertise are playing an increasing role in all aspects of the life sciences, from R&D and clinical trials to sales and marketing. According to the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, pharm­erging markets will approach U....

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Sales: Sales Shift

    As sales models continue to morph in light of resource realignment, analysts say the most successful companies will need to have a good talent management strategy in place and will need to provide sales training commensurate with the rep’s role in the future. The future of salesforces has been to...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Patient Communities: The Emerging Role of Patient Communities

    Robin Robinson Social media serves up patient information to marketers. Michael Dornan, a psoriasis sufferer for more than 17 years, started in an effort to share his self-earned knowledge and experiences about the disease with other sufferers. On his site, Mr. Dornan explains...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Advertising: New Media Pushes Boundaries of Yesterday's Advertising

    Robin Robinson “Without question, new media has changed healthcare advertising campaigns. " Drew Desjardins / Dudnyk New Media Pushes Boundaries of Yesterday’s Advertising Digital is here to stay and the advertising world, like everyone else, is feeling the impact. The impact of new media, includ...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Publication Planning: The Future of Publication Planning is Bright

    Robin Robinson The integrity of publication planning has taken some hits, but the new Sunshine Act can help restore credibility. The publication planning process, which has been fraught in past years with issues related to integrity, transparency, and trust, is still a key element in any marketin...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Market Research: Tapping into New Market Research Opportunities

    Tapping into New Market Research Opportunities The growing use of social media is creating new resources for researchers. “Segmentation of the future will be built on many ongoing threads of information and will be more focused on the alignment of the best product for the right ­patient. " Scott ...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011
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    PR Today: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

    With the litany of struggles the industry is facing every day, it is no wonder that the role of public relations in the marketing mix is more important than ever. “Through physician leaders and patient advocates, PR offers a unique opportunity to change ­customer thinking and behavior in a credib...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Social Media: The Time has come to Run the Hurdles

    In just a year, social media marketing has come a long way within the industry — in relative terms, that is. And in the coming year, more strides will be made. Pharma still lags behind other industries in its social media spend and use, but it has taken some baby steps in communicating with patie...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Media Mix of the Future: Digital Channels and Unbranded Messaging

    Consumer demand will force marketers to adopt the use of social media and targeted patient education as part of the marketing mix. The media and channel mix of tomorrow will begin to shift toward more digital, consumer-centric media, although in the early days, bottom-line channel decisions will ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    R&D: Strategic Outsourcing

    CROs and pharmaceutical companies continue to finetune their strategic partnerships to gain a competitive edge. “”Companies are looking at ­outsourcing models that allow for sharper research focus, enhanced quality, improved efficiency, and offer a lower and more flexible cost base. " Alan Morgan...

    By Denise Myshko • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Building a Culture of Innovation

    Pharmaceutical R&D is under pressure to counter rising costs, depleted pipelines, and impending patent expiries. The industry is facing not only a productivity crisis, but also a crisis in innovation. Industry analysts say many pharmaceutical and biopharma companies are turning their focus aw...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    The C-Suite: Corporate Strategies

    New Ways Forward Experts agree the time has come to re-evaluate the overall working culture of the life-sciences industry, and they say innovation, new payer models, new stakeholders, and new outcomes are key considerations for future success. “Pharma will need to generate data that are timely, r...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    C-Suite: Executive Insights

    CEOs, presidents, and executive management team members from across the industry — pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and service companies — discuss the most crucial factors driving change in the industry, as well as their strategies for meeting the challenges of business in the coming years. Jed Be...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    What's Ahead for 2012

    Our readers identified the top trends and game changers they expect to define the various industry sectors in the coming year. John Blakeley Executive VP and Chief Commercial Officer ERT, a clinical research service provider that assesses the safety of newly developed drugs by major pharmaceutica...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    The Year of the Extreme Makeover

    Every sector in the industry is in a state of flux. In this special issue of PharmaVOICE, more than 160 thought leaders throughout the life-sciences industry discuss the changing market dynamics. According to PricewaterhouseCooper’s 14th Annual Global CEO Survey, which looks at the concerns expre...

    By Denise Myshko and Robin Robinsons • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Last Word

    Taking Digital Communications to the Next Level Jay Bolling, President and CEO of Roska Healthcare ­Advertising, provides his insights on the changing ­marketing landscape. PV: Last year, Roska took a bold step and was among the first healthcare agencies to use a QR code as part of a marketing ca...

    By Jay Bolling • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Talent Pool

    Pharmaceutical POOL Percival BARRETTO-KO Astellas Realigns Executive Team Astellas US, the U.S. affiliate of Tokyo-based Astellas Pharma, has named Percival Barretto-Ko senior VP, corporate strategy and government affairs. Mr. Barretto-Ko was previously executive director, corporate strategy and ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Sales, marketing, And R&D?Trends affecting the healthcare industry Healthcare Reform Viewed as Mixed Blessing Trend: Consumers believe the success of healthcare reform is dependent on achieving cost ­reduction and quality improvement — two things that traditionally stand in opposition to each...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Tools of the Trade

    New electronic and web-based applications, sites, and technologies Sermo Sponsorship Harnesses Power of Physician-Peer Communications Trend: With social media making it easier than ever for physicians to connect and discuss new ­treatment developments, life-sciences ­companies are seeking innovat...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Nov. 11, 2011
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    Social Media

    Social Media trends, regs, and apps Roche Diabetes Care Increases Social Media Presence Trendwatch: Developers of health services and devices turning to patient engagement Roche Diabetes Care uses multiple social media channels to engage ­patients Roche Diabetes Care, which develops blood glucose...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 11, 2011