Commercialization: Page 60

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    Maximizing the Value of Medical Affairs in Today's Changing Environment

    This is truly an exciting time for our colleagues in medical affairs. Following two to three years of shifts in responsibilities and funding for projects, it is now time to reassess the possibilities. The whole of medical affairs is positioned to become a designing factor in the future of compoun...

    By Mary Anderson • March 26, 2012
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: Medical Affairs: A Bridge to Better Outcomes

    SHOWCASE FEATURE: MEDICAL AFFAIRS A Bridge to Better Outcomes By Carolyn Gretton The medical affairs organization within pharmaceutical, biotech, and device companies has moved beyond its traditional support role, evolving into a global group that provides a critical conduit between a wide range ...

    By Carolyn Gretton • March 26, 2012
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    C-Suite Digital/Interactive Agencies

    A staggering 4.8 trillion display ad impressions were delivered across the U.S. web in 2011 as brand advertisers continued to shift dollars to the digital medium. According to a recent comScore report, U.S. Digital Future in Focus 2012, the shift in ad dollars has magnified the need for greater t...

    By Taren Grom • March 26, 2012
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    Patient Communities: Getting to Know You

    Patient Communities: Getting to Know You By Robin Robinson The industry is tapping into the wealth of market research available through patient communities. In 2010, UCB and PatientsLikeMe launched a patient community designed as an online forum for epilepsy patients to share their experiences in...

    By Robin Robinson • March 26, 2012
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    Talent Pool

    executive appointments and promotions in the healthcare industry By Carolyn Gretton Pharmaceutical POOL Dr. Rob KOREMANS Former Sanofi VP Takes Lead Role at Teva Europe Teva Pharmaceutical Industries has appointed Rob Koremans, M.D., to succeed Dr. Gerard van Odijk as president and CEO, Teva Euro...

    By Carolyn Gretton • March 26, 2012
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    Sales, marketing, And R&D?Trends affecting the healthcare industry Study Explores How Consumers Interact With Pharma Companies Trend: Growing numbers of patients are turning to social media and digital tools to obtain drug ­information before meeting with their physicians, representing a key ...

    By Carolyn Gretton • March 26, 2012
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    Social Media

    Social Media trends, regs, and apps By Robin Robinson AstraZeneca Hosts Tweet Chat To Increase Awareness of Patient Assistance Programs Trend: Pharma uses Twitter to expand reach beyond traditional channels. AstraZeneca recently earned kudos for hosting a one-hour live tweet chat using the hashta...

    By Robin Robinson • March 26, 2012
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    Tools of the Trade

    New electronic and web-based applications, sites, and technologies By Carolyn Gretton Purohit Navigation Launches Web-based Communications Platform Integrated healthcare brand solutions company Purohit Navigation’s recently implemented Summit workflow system handles and automates approval process...

    By Carolyn Gretton • March 26, 2012
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    What's New

    New healthcare-related products, services, and companies Transparency Life Sciences Launches with Open Innovation-Based Model Trend: This new breed of drug development company aims to achieve much greater efficiency in its ­patient-centric trials by harnessing the power of collaborative intellige...

    By Carolyn Gretton • March 26, 2012
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    Upfront Awards… CSL Honored for Work in Rare Diseases CSL Behring is the recipient of a 2012 European Organization for Rare ­Diseases Award for its work in ­developing and ­manufacturing ­therapies used to treat rare and ­serious medical ­conditions. One of the primary criteria for the award is a...

    By Taren Grom • March 26, 2012
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    Letter from the Editor

    The forum for the industry executive Volume 12 • Number 4 Publisher Lisa Banket Editor Taren Grom Creative Director Marah Walsh Managing EDitor Denise Myshko Senior EDitor Robin Robinson features EDitor Kim Ribbink Contributing Editor Carolyn Gretton design associate Ariel Medel national account ...

    By Taren Grom • March 26, 2012
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    How Does the Public View Pharma

    As an industry, pharma has made tremendous contributions toward advancing medicine. Pharma companies have not only driven continued innovation but also demonstrated strong social responsibility. Many have programs in place, for example, to help even the poorest patients afford their treatments. P...

    By Chris DeAngelis • Feb. 27, 2012
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    "Ain't No Sunshine" for Brand Managers

    As the Sunshine Act kicks into effect, pharma product managers and their brand teams may feel some heat from this legislation, but there are steps that can be taken to avoid sunburn and emerge from this marketing game-changer with a healthy glow. With this legislation as the catalyst, now is the ...

    By Al Reicheg • Feb. 27, 2012
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    In Defense of Qualitative Research

    “The science of statistics is the chief instrumentality through which the progress of civilization is now measured, and by which its development hereafter will be largely controlled." — S. N. D. North, Director of the Census, 1903-1909 The Rise of Statistics It is possible to quantify what people...

    By Brad Davidson • Feb. 27, 2012
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    Get Granular for a Better Understanding of the Competitive Landscape

    Whether preparing for the introduction of a new product or assessing an in-licensing opportunity of an existing brand, companies want to evaluate the competitive landscape to determine the promotional resources that will be needed to succeed competitively. With leaner sales forces and physician a...

    By Steve Corby • Feb. 27, 2012
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: Connecting the Data Dots

    Experts at Best Practices note that the current uncertain global economy has accentuated life-sciences executives’ need for powerful market insights to gain an edge over competitors. These companies are increasingly challenged to transform their market research departments from backward-looking s...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Feb. 27, 2012
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    Pharma 3.0

    As the industry evolves to address a new ecosystem within the complex and global drug development and commercialization arena, companies will need to be open to using new technologies, thinking, and processes to make healthcare more sustainable, affordable, and accessible; improve the efficiency ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Final Phase Goal: Maximize Uptake While Speeding to Launch

    In every phase of drug development today, processes are more complex and more costly than ever and the drive to reduce time and expenditure is more critical. In today’s ever-changing marketplace, this holds true especially for the last stages of the process: registration, launch, and postlaunch. ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Talent Pool

    Pharmaceutical POOL Dr. Anders EKBLOM Dr. Briggs MORRISON AstraZeneca Bolsters R&D ­Leadership Global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has tapped Anders Ekblom, M.D., to build and lead the science and technology integration office within the company’s R&D organization. In addition to th...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Social Media

    Social Media Trends, Regs, and Apps Featured Briefs: Government Use of Social Media Grows First-Ever Tweet From a President Garners More Than 20,000 Responses Survey: Consumers Favor Pharma Input in Patient ­Communities Industry Gets More Time to ­Adhere to New YouTube Format TECH CHECK Apps, Twe...

    By Robin Robinson • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Tools of the Trade

    New Electronic and Web-based Applications, Sites, and Technologies Featured Briefs: Healogix Unveils Adaptive Toolbox Solution Group DCA Enhances Digital ­Detailing Solution In other technology news… E-UPGRADES AND ENHANCEMENTS Healthcare companies have struggled for years to understand how and w...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Sales, Marketing, and R&D Trends from Industry Analysts Featured Briefs: Long-Term Planning Tactics Key to Maintaining Portfolio Health Sidebar: Groups Responsible for Aligning Brand and ­Corporate Strategy Therapeutic Fast Trax… Other market insights… Brand Positioning Should ­Balance PR, RO...

    By Taren Grom • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Awards… » Invivodata Co-Founder wins Carnegie ­Science Awards Invivodata Co-founder and Chief ­Science Officer, Dr. Saul ­Shiffman has been ­recognized by the Carnegie Science Center as an ­honorable mention in the Entrepreneur Category of its 2012 Carnegie Science Awards. Dr. Shiffman is being ­...

    By Taren Grom • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Letter from the Editor

    From Molecule through Market… the vision is clear — to be successful pharmaceutical companies and their valued development partners need to understand the underlying challenges, trends, and opportunities that each molecule, compound, diagnostic, or biotech product faces as it progresses along the...

    By Taren Grom • Feb. 26, 2012
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    Outsourcing: Enhance, Support, Grow

    You cannot do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow." The wise words of Nelson Jackson should be the driving force behind every outsourcing partnership today. Implementing innovative strategies through outsourcing helps pharmaceutical companies meet the changing demands...

    By Erin Neary and Dennis McLoughlin • Jan. 27, 2012