Commercialization: Page 38

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    Pharma R&D is Now Biomarker-Driven

    Biomarkers are becoming an essential part of the drug discovery and development process. A biomarker-driven approach to developing targeted therapies and patient selection strategies has the potential to increase success in the drug development process, decrease costs, and ultimately improve pati...

    By Denise Myshko • Jan. 1, 2016
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    Despite Turbulence, Brazil Remains A Priority Market

    A BRIC nation and the largest economy in South America, Brazil is regarded by most industries as a key market. Starting in the mid-1990s the country entered a period of economic stabilization, followed by strong growth in the early 2000s, driven by the commodities sector. In addition, Brazil expe...

    By Kim Ribbink • Jan. 1, 2016
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: Social Anxiety

    Of the 50 largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide, according to a study by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, only half are even dabbling in social media. Furthermore, only 10 of these companies are using the big three — Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — and an even smaller number ar...

    By Taren Grom • Jan. 1, 2016
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    Hey, Pharma! The Social Train Has Left! Get on the Bus!

    Pharma! Time to stop waiting for the long-anticipated social media guidance from the FDA and procrastinating on developing a social brand footprint. Social media is now part of the cost of entry in connecting with your customers. Consumers expect — and are accustomed to — brands being present on ...

    By Martha Walz • Jan. 1, 2016
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    Becoming Peers With Professionals On Social Networks

    The ecosystem of social networks for healthcare professionals is incredibly diverse. For an increasing number of physicians in the United States, there is no epicenter for online dialogue like Facebook, nor a network with the meteoric growth of SnapChat or Instagram. What is happening is a quickl...

    By Chris Cullman • Jan. 1, 2016
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    Reaching Hard-to-Reach Healthcare Professionals: Engage In On-line Communities

    Prescribers, pharmacists, and medical directors all have an ongoing need for information on the latest advances in their respective fields. Yet, it is increasingly difficult for life sciences to deliver product information via in-person rep visits; in fact, many busy professionals have a policy a...

    By Dr. Theodore Search • Jan. 1, 2016
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    Letter from the Editor

    As we look forward to 2016, there are any number of trends that will impact the life-sciences industry from molecule to market. For our special Year in Preview issue, we have compiled insights from more than 120 industry experts — who represent all areas of the industry — on  10 trends that we be...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Industry at Large Novartis Launches Novartis Access in Lower-Income Countries Novartis has launched Novartis Access, a portfolio of 15 medicines to treat chronic diseases in low- and low-middle-income countries. The portfolio addresses cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, an...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 15, 2015
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    The Network

    Texting Increases CHD Patient Adherence  Trending Now: Mobilization of healthcare continues momentum. Regular text message reminders can help people with coronary heart disease (CHD) adhere to a healthier lifestyle, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 15, 2015
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    What's New

    Publicis Health Media Launches New Business Intelligence Practice  Trending Now:  The new practice aims to optimize healthcare media and marketing by applying health outcomes data to marketing effectiveness. Publicis Health Media (PHM), an agency that fuses media into a dedicated health and welln...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 15, 2015
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    The Calendar

    Coming Attractions TedMed 2015, which is taking place at La Quinta Resort & Club, Palm Springs, Ca., Nov. 18-Nov. 20, features a range of experiences and perspectives to provide the richest possible landscape for creative collisions. Any chance meeting at TedMed can lead to exciting new ideas...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Talent Pool

    Pharma pool Dr. James Bradner Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Appoints President Dr. James (Jay) Bradner, physician-scientist from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, has been appointed president of the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) and a memb...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 15, 2015
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    2016 The Year Ahead

    For this special issue — the Year in Preview: 2016 — we identified 10 major trends that are expected to continue to disrupt the industry in new and different ways. There were a multitude of industry drivers from a multitude of industry sources to consider. We identified these 10 trends — that spa...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Patient Empowerment: Patient/Caregiver Empowerment

    Patient empowerment is creating a shift in not only marketing but also clinical strategies for the industry. As patients take more control of their healthcare decisions and needs, they are inadvertently forcing the healthcare environment around them to change. As physicians evolve their approach ...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Analytics-Driven Marketing

    In 2016 and beyond, analytics-driven strategies will shape the industry’s marketing and sales in a more efficient and cost-effective way. The accessibility of consumer data, combined with tools that can quickly mine that data, will pave the way for more targeted and effective tactics. From physic...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Mobile Optimization

    The number of global smartphone users will surpass 2 billion in 2016, and that number is projected to grow to 2.56 billion by 2018. Many of those users are millennials, a population that is absolutely never ever without its phone.  These more than 2 billion always-on users are potential healthcar...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Reputation: Solving the Reputation Challenge

    There is no denying that the pharmaceutical industry has a problem. The industry continues to field questions about its pricing, off-label prescribing, and salesforce practices. These forces culminated this fall when Turing CEO Martin Shkreli — dubbed the most hated man in America at the time — r...

    By Denise Myshko • Nov. 15, 2015
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    New Health Economy: The New Health Economy

    A couple of years ago, analysts at PwC noted that the healthcare industry has been slow to deliver customer-centered value. But the ground is shifting rapidly. The New Health Economy represents the most significant re-engineering of the U.S. health system since employers began covering workers in...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 15, 2015
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: eSolutions: E-verything for E-veryone E-verywhere

    As eSolutions, which encompass everything from mHealth to technologies that are making houses smarter, continue to improve the quality of life for patients and caregivers, they also making physicians’ lives better and more complicated at the same time. They are also driving huge data sets that ne...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Leveraging Data in Life Sciences

    When it comes to the emerging trends in human capital management within the life-sciences sector, senior business leaders are anxious over the competitive landscape and the shrinking supply of skilled talent to help drive their R&D pipelines. What is less understood is that a strong workforce...

    By Kevin D. Duffy • Nov. 15, 2015
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    The New World Order of Healthcare Communications

    When it comes to healthcare communications, there is, literally, a “New World Order." Healthcare providers and consumers are accessing information via smartphones, tablets, laptops and even TVs.  Calling or visiting an information source, such as a doctor’s office or local Medicare office, are th...

    By Nora Tsivgas • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Using Data For A Healthy Relationship

    Patient-Centric Marketing Being a marketer in the pharma industry for over a decade and working with numerous other marketers and dozens of account teams, the one message consistently heard is that each believes their target audience is unique and needs to be “treated" differently. And you know w...

    By Peter Von Bartheld • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Proliferating Points of Care: Following the Patient's Path

    We are accustomed to defining the Point of Care (POC) segment of healthcare as physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies. Also, retail clinics are growing at 25% to 30% annually, adding to the locations where healthcare is available. But, as with everything digitally connected these days, the ...

    By Mark Heinold • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Multichannel Moves to Loosen the Knots that Bind

    Since the 1990s, family doctors and specialists have evolved into “primary care or specialty providers," with practices now viewed as bottom-line businesses. Individual practitioners have become an anomaly as more physicians sell their practices to healthcare institutions or merge together to for...

    By Drew Romes • Nov. 15, 2015
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    Integrated Study-specific eClinical Solutions: The Most Efficient Path Forward and Highest Quality Results

    While other industries decrease their operational timelines and increase efficiencies by implementing the newest technologies, the pharmaceutical industry is at a stand-still, plagued by unnecessary redundancies and administrative burdens imposed by inflexible, enterprise eClinical solutions. Pro...

    By Suzanne Caruso • Nov. 15, 2015