Real Chemistry Think Tank: Vaccinating the Remaining Populations

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Real Chemistry

Seth Duncan, Chief Data Officer, Real Chemistry Dr. Reed Tuckson, M.D., F.A.C.P, Managing Director, Tuckson Health Connections, LLC Taren Grom, Co-founder & Editor-in-Chief, PharmaVOICE (Moderator)

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After months of incentivizing Americans to get vaccinated, immunization rates for COVID-19 have plateaued. At the same time, the Delta variant has taken hold, representing 10% of infections in early June and close to 100% of new cases by August 2021. While much attention has been paid to populations hesitant to get vaccinated, more needs to be done to push these groups to get the shot. Losing patience, governments and businesses are beginning to mandate vaccinations for specific groups.

But will these hold? What else can be done to help these Americans feel confident enough to get the vaccine? Join our panelists as we explore what it will take to get us to herd immunity and back to our pre-pandemic lifestyles.

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Real Chemistry is a global health innovation company with an alchemic mix of people, clients and partners working from bench to bedside, making the world a healthier place. Real Chemistry believes that the way to real, transformative change is through the uncommon combination of talents, disciplines and technologies.

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