Research & Development: Page 33

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    Letter from the Editor

    Riding the AI Wave It would be hard to identify a hotter trend right now than artificial intelligence and machine learning — a trend 60 years in the making since John McCarthy coined the term AI while leading a Dartmouth Summer Research Project. Merriam-Webster defines AI as: a branch of computer...

    By Taren Grom • May 1, 2018
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    Acorda Rallies Parkinson’s Community Acorda Therapeutics has launched the “Live Well. Do Tell." initiative for the Parkinson’s disease community. Its goal is to encourage the community to improve conversations about Parkinson’s symptoms among the circle of care, including people with Parkinson’s,...

    By PharmaVoice Team • May 1, 2018
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    Clinical trial diversity

    As pharma wises up to the fact that the current playbook for improving clinical trial diversity has yet to make a meaningful impact, the quest is on to refine that approach.

    By PharmaVoice staff
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    Researchers Develop Nanovesicle Method for Tumor Treatment Trend Watch: Technology boosts cancer care. According to a report by Penn State News, a team of scientists working at Penn State University, Second Affiliated Hospital of Southeast University, and Jiangsu Cancer Hospital & Jiangsu Ins...

    By PharmaVoice Team • May 1, 2018
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    Innovator's Corner

    A Robotic Pill that Creates Oral Biologics Mir Imran, Chairman and CEO of Rani Therapeutics, talks about his company’s efforts to develop an injection-free, large-molecule delivery system. Biologics can only be administered through an injection, which can affect quality of life and patient compli...

    By Mir Imran • May 1, 2018
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    Innovator's Corner

    Making Sense of Antisense Technology Brett Monia, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer and Senior VP, Antisense Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine at Ionis Pharmaceuticals, talks about the company’s pipeline of antisense technology products. Antisense technology presents an opportunity to manipu...

    By Brett Monia • March 1, 2018
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    Blood Test Uses Machine Learning to Detect Multiple Early-Stage Cancers Trend Watch: Digital therapeutics, chips, patches, and machine learning enable better health outcomes. Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center researchers developed a single blood test — CancerSEEK, a unique noninvasive, multi-ana...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 1, 2018
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    Addressing Diversity in Clinical Trials

    Eliminating health disparities is an important public health issue, concerning all stakeholders. In oncology, for example, there are five cancers where disparities in adults have been identified: prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and multiple myeloma. Fo...

    By Denise Myshko • March 1, 2018
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    Speak Out

    From Discovery to Clinical Practice: A Brand Journey Requires Connected Thinking   Today’s pharmaceutical brands are on the journey of a lifetime. And throughout this journey a brand takes on a burgeoning number of data sets, from pre-clinical trials all the way to real-world evidence and populat...

    By Louisa Holland • March 1, 2018
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    Innovator's Corner

    Using Stem Cells to Treat Frailty Longeveron’s Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder Dr. Joshua Hare talks about the company’s cell-based therapies for age-related diseases. Breakthroughs in stem cell research could potentially lead to new treatment options for chronic diseases and injuries affec...

    By Dr. Joshua Hare • Feb. 1, 2018
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    Draper R&D Uses Technology to Solve Unmet Healthcare Needs Trend Watch: Health technology is providing quicker, safer solutions for disease management and care. Draper, a nonprofit research and development company focused on advanced technological solutions, has designed the first pediatric h...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 1, 2018
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    Last Word

    Connecting Silos Through System Integration Monica Kennedy, Director of Regulatory Operations at Halozyme, discusses how technology can be leveraged to address inefficiencies in organizations. PV: What do think has led to operational silos and created inefficiencies? Kennedy: Technology is one f...

    By Monica Kennedy • Feb. 1, 2018
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    Patient-Centric Trial Recruitment

    Social media, mobile, and other technologies are making patient and physician outreach easier and more cost-effective and analytical tools are enhancing performance measurement, but patient recruitment for clinical trials continues to be a challenge. This is especially true for trials involving r...

    By Denise Myshko • Feb. 1, 2018
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    SHOWCASE: Outsourcing: The Growth and Expansion of Outsourcing

    Outsourcing in the pharma industry continues to increase, with many companies spending $50 million or more a year on outsourcing services. A survey from found that 44% of pharmaceutical companies expected to outsource more business in 2017 than the previous year, and only 1...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 1, 2018
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    Letter from the Editor

    Tired of “innovation“ yet? No doubt that innovation is one of those “buzz-tion" words — transformation, collaboration, disruption — that some might deride as having been used so frequently that it has lost some of its inherent value as an action-based, momentum-driving movement. I say nay. Innova...

    By Taren Grom • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Innovator's Corner

    Next-Generation Immuno-Oncology Stephen Isaacs, President and CEO of Aduro Biotech, talks about the company’s research of a small molecule that acts as a personalized “vaccine" against cancer. In recent years, we have seen the development and approval of immuno-oncology therapies that increase ...

    By Stephen Isaacs • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Apple Watch Expands Capabilities to improve health outcomes in cardiac, diabetes, depression Trend Watch: Apple Watch continues to revolutionize health data collection. Did you get an Apple Watch for the holidays? Lucky you, especially since several additional capabilities were unveiled at the en...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Pharma Innovation Labs

    Innovative or collaborative partnerships in pharma are being touted by some as the “new normal." Certainly, this is true of several pioneering pharmaceutical companies in the space, but authentic, independent or open-source collaborations are still a minority in the life-sciences ecosystem. The b...

    By Robin Robinson • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Next-Generation Nanomedicines

    The first generation of nanotechnology-based medicines, including nano-based drug delivery systems and nanovectors, improved the safe delivery of therapies that were once toxic. Nanoparticles have also proven to be especially good vehicles to effectively deliver cancer drugs, where many therapies...

    By Denise Myshko • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Women's Healthcare: Drug Development

    With a U.S. healthcare market estimated at $2.8 trillion and purchasing either made or largely influenced by women, the “power of the purse" has never been stronger. According to Carolyn Buck Luce, executive-in-residence at the Center for Talent Innovation and an adjunct professor at Columbia Uni...

    By Taren Grom • Jan. 1, 2018
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    Trend Tracking

    In this special — 2018 Year in Preview — issue, PharmaVOICE’s thought leaders are tackling 10 trends that are expected to incite change in the year ahead. We will be looking at a variety of disparate topics that range from molecule to market in keeping with our publishing focus and philosophy: 20...

    By Taren Grom • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Trending 2018: Real-World Outcomes

    Real-word outcomes is not a new trend by any means, but it’s a market-changing model that is coming into its own and worthy of covering. That’s because the pharmaceutical market continues to shift to an outcomes-based reimbursement system, driven by payers’ need to rein in rising drug prices, adv...

    By Denise Myshko • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Picture This: Managing the Entire Lifecycle of Clinical Trial Images in a Single Tool

    One of the great promises of technology is that it can simplify our lives. The need for it to do so is particularly strong in clinical research, where trials have been growing ever more complex. This is due, in part, to regulators’ increasing requests for the inclusion of imaging analysis when ev...

    By Tim Kulbago • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Speak Out

    Innovations in Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial Design Promise to Reduce Time, Risk by Allison House, Therapeutic Strategy Lead, Neuroscience, Worldwide Clinical Trials and Natalia Drosopoulou, Senior Director, Global Project Management, Neuroscience, Worldwide Clinical Trials The global impact of Alz...

    By Allison House • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Red Zone: Innovation in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Gene and Cellular Therapies Drive Results in Pediatric Oncology

    This is an exciting time in medicine, providing more novel treatments for patients with cancer blood disorders. Scientists are learning more about the human genome and its role in disease. This knowledge allows investigators to develop new diagnostic tools and therapeutic interventions to more sp...

    By Medpace • Nov. 20, 2017
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    Letter from the Editor

    Connected Health At this month’s 2017 Connected Health Conference to be held in Boston, industry leaders will gather to discuss a multitude of topics that are focused on improving health outcomes by accelerating the adoption of personal connected health. A couple of the major themes to be discuss...

    By Taren Grom • Oct. 1, 2017