Research & Development: Page 24

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    [photo]. Retrieved from Ovid Therapeutics.
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    Ovid's CEO shares his vision for rare disease developments

    Jeremy Levin, chairman and CEO of Ovid Therapeutics discusses the keys to success in rare disease innovation.

    By Kim Ribbink • Jan. 10, 2022
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    Australian firefighters raise funds for ALS research

    Funding for rare disease clinical trials can be a challenge, but in Australia, firefighters gear up to raise money for ALS. 

    By Kim Ribbink • Jan. 5, 2022
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    Clinical trial diversity

    As pharma wises up to the fact that the current playbook for improving clinical trial diversity has yet to make a meaningful impact, the quest is on to refine that approach.

    By PharmaVoice staff
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    [photo]. Retrieved from Google image.
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    Rare disease innovation in 2022

    More companies are targeting gene therapies for rare disease treatments.

    By Kim Ribbink • Jan. 5, 2022
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    Speak Out: The Value of Using Neutral Analysis in Life Sciences Disputes

    Imagine that you have multiple published and peer-reviewed clinical trials and time is of the essence to get your vaccine to market. Unfortunately, you are involved in a lawsuit for patent infringement with a competitor. Will you go to trial? What are your odds of prevailing? HAVE THE RIGHT ST...

    By Hon. Gregory M. Sleet (Ret.) • Nov. 15, 2021
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    Executive Perspective: Data For Better Health Outcomes: A Conversation with Clark Wooten and Anthony Passarelli

    The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to disrupt the healthcare market across all sectors, and the digital health segment is no exception. But in this case, there has been a positive boost. According to Global Market Insights, the digital health market exceeded $141.8 billion in 2020 and is estimat...

    By Clark Wooten • Nov. 15, 2021
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    Letter from the Editor

    Igniting Innovation Innovation is a tricky thing to define as it means different things to different people and organizations. For example, Mike Rea, CEO and founder of IDEA Pharma, believes the most important observation is separating invention from innovation. “Innovation is the recognition of ...

    By Taren Grom • Oct. 1, 2021
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    Pharma Collaborators Launch Initiative to Improve Patients’ Adherence to Humira AbbVie GK, Eisai Co., and EA Pharma Co. have teamed up to launch the Humira Support Tool Ordering Service for Patients, an initiative intended to improve patients’ adherence to Humira therapy in Japan. The support too...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Oct. 1, 2021
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    The Innovators' Roundtable

    We tapped into innovators from around the industry to discover how they view this hot topic and what innovation means to them. Innovation means different things to different people. Sometimes it’s a big leap and sometimes it means iterative changes to a process that lead to a big impact. Defining...

    By Taren Grom • Oct. 1, 2021
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    Three Steps to Innovate Patient Solutions

    At the heart of all of our work is meeting patient needs, so let’s take a deep dive into all of the routes currently available to deliver patient solutions. The challenge is to balance the conversation between pragmatism and idealism. To call out the elephant in the room, there’s a big appetite f...

    By Corina Kellam • Oct. 1, 2021
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    Synthetic Control Arms: A Broader Clinical reach

    Amid the skyrocketing cost of clinical trials, the increase in collection and use of digital data, and the FDA’s commitment to considering real-world data (RWD) in its regulatory process, a growing number of life-sciences companies are looking at and employing external or synthetic control arms. ...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Oct. 1, 2021
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    Executive Perspective: A Bold Precision Medicine Ambition: Breaking Down Barriers to Revolutionize Cancer care

    A Conversation with Omar Perez, Ph.D. As a scientist, Omar Perez, Ph.D., has always been fascinated with precision medicine and targeted therapies. “This interest originated during my graduate school days when I was trying to tease apart how the immune cell system interacts," he says. “From this ...

    By Omar Perez • Oct. 1, 2021
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    Does Your Agency Partner Have an Innovation Lab? It Should.

    Times change. It’s cliché to say it, I know, but it really is one of the few constants in the universe. Yet many agencies still struggle with this truth. Of course, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine of agency life. Everything just cruising along, no insurmountable bumps, nothin...

    By Carmine Jichetti • Sept. 1, 2021
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    3 Ways to Better Enable your MSLs: The Case for Context

    Like every other stakeholder in the healthcare system, medical science liaisons (MSLs) faced upheaval related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As medical practices pivoted to telehealth, MSLs shifted from in-person interactions to virtual sessions with thought leaders (TL). For their commitment and resi...

    By Jennifer Millard • Sept. 1, 2021
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    PharmaVoice 100 Who's on the List – By Category

    Who’s on the List — 2021 Indexed by Category Commanders & Chiefs Dr. Sam Agresta Foghorn Therapeutics Alisha Alaimo Biogen Shideh Bina Insigniam Dr. Norbert Bischofberger Kronos Bio Dr. James Kyle Bryan IQVIA Biotech Victor Bultó Novartis Pharmaceuticals Dr. Tony ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Aug. 1, 2021
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    Clinical Experts

    These clinical development experts are redefining clinical operations to increase efficiencies, reduce costs and timelines, and improve the safety profiles of bringing new medicines to patients. Unwavering determination to further clinical research Igniting change by… ensuring cross...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Aug. 1, 2021
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    Letter from the Editor

    The clinical trial horizon The rise of decentralized clinical trials, otherwise known as DCTs, is the hottest topic in the clinical research arena at the moment, and appropriately so. The global pandemic exposed significant cracks in the structure of how clinical trials have been conducted for de...

    By Taren Grom • June 1, 2021
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    SHOWCASE: Clinical Trial Solutions: The Changing Face of Clinical Trial Solutions

    Clinical trials have undergone significant change over the past year amid concerns over patient safety during the pandemic. According to a survey across biopharmaceutical companies, medical devices companies and clinical research organizations, 76% have sped up the move to virtual in the wake of ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • June 1, 2021
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    Meeting the Demands of Today to Create the Treatments of Tomorrow

    In our rapidly evolving clinical research industry, there’s never been a more important time to ensure you’re getting the most out of your central laboratory services. This is especially true in the face of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the landscape of clinical res...

    By Tom Mueller • June 1, 2021
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    Lessons Learned from COVID-19

    Why CROs Must Continue Modeling Support and Compassion to Clinical Sites When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, a range of emotions followed, including shock and uncertainty. However, what we began to see was an increase in kindness and compassion both at home and at work. Faced with the c...

    By Sheri Madrid • June 1, 2021
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    The Benefits of Flexible, Decentralized Trial Designs — And How to Make Them Happen

    Clinical trial managers have used digital technology for several years to some degree. Now, because of the pandemic, digital technology has become a proven and valuable necessity. However, for all the benefits of bring your own device (BYOD), electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO), and direc...

    By Jonathan Andrus • June 1, 2021
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    Seven Secrets to Patient Experience Breakthroughs

    The principles of behavioral science can be used to keep participants engaged, adherent to the protocol, and proud of the contributions to curing disease. Consumer industries have invested millions in improving “customer experience" — how consumers feel or perceive every interaction with a compan...

    By Kyle Hogan • June 1, 2021
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    Decentralization of Clinical Trials: Taking Into Account All Stakeholder Perspectives

    At first, the COVID-19 pandemic threatened clinical research, with patients struggling to get to sites, hospitals becoming overloaded, and screening criteria becoming increasingly muddled due to widely circulating symptoms. However, the industry rallied to rapidly adapt and enable decentralizatio...

    By Matthew McCarty • June 1, 2021
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    Data-Driven Outreach Drives Rapid Recruiting

    The pandemic has accomplished something that the pharma industry has been trying to achieve for years: it got consumers excited about clinical research. The rush to develop vaccines and 24/7 coverage of the virus’ spread captivated audiences and made all populations more aware of trial participat...

    By Mark Brown • June 1, 2021
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    Widening the Lens: From Patient Engagement to Community Engagement

    To truly engage patients, we must incorporate their community support systems No patient travels through their health journey alone. To be patient-centric, and fully engage patients in clinical research, expanding our approach to be inclusive of the broader communities that support them is impera...

    By Alycia James • June 1, 2021
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    AI in Clinical Trials: An Incredible Voyage

    The 19th century English naturalist and seafarer Charles Darwin once said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." He knew a thing or two about evolution. So does the life-sciences industry — especially after last yea...

    By Jonathan Burr • June 1, 2021