Commercialization: Page 91

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    Finding the Right Focus

    24 Ma r ch 20 08 VIEW on Advertising MARKET RESEARCH T hough they’re occasionally usurped by “sexier” tech niques such as ethnography or semiotics, the good ol’ focus group remains a mainstay of most market researchers’ tool kits. Given that the results from a few groups frequently play an import...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 25, 2008
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    Dialogue Research Can Create Better Advertising Campaigns

    22 Ma r ch 20 08 VIEW on Advertising MARKET RESEARCH F or many years, pharmaceutical companies had to rely on physicians and patients to tell them what was said behind closed doors in the exam room. Marketers would spend time conducting research “behind the glass,” listening for how these parties...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 25, 2008
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    Market Research and the Creative Process

    20 Ma r ch 20 08 VIEW on Advertising MARKET RESEARCH T he selection of the “right” creative concept to rep resent a brand is critical to ensuring the success of a prod uct. Therefore, agencies dedicate a significant amount of time and energy to the development, testing, and refine ment of campaig...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 25, 2008
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    Getting Creative about Collaboration

    18 Ma r ch 20 08 VIEW on Advertising THE CREATIVE PROCESS O n his deathbed, a comedian uttered the famous remark: “Dying is easy, comedy is hard.” Comedy is indeed hard. The same thing could be said about doing great advertising. Which is why those who practice the craft are always searching for ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 25, 2008
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    Peering Into The Future

    16 Ma r ch 20 08 VIEW on Advertising BUSINESS MODELS P eer: (v) (1) to look closely and searchingly, or squint, as in trying to see more clearly; (n) (2) a person or thing of the same rank, value, quality, ability. This definition ignited some thought. Have we as marketing agency pro fessionals p...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 24, 2008
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    A View on Advertising — A Shifting Landscape

    6 Ma r ch 20 08 VIEW on Advertising THE FORUM The advertising focus may be moving away from center — traditional media such as television and print — as emerging media, such as Web 2.0, and alternative vehicles such as Pod casts, search engines, etc., begin to establish a firmer foothold in the m...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 24, 2008
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    Letter from the Editor

    of the dialogue while adhering to fuzzy, and in many cases, yettobedefined regulatory guide lines. (One of those kinks.) Another hurdle to overcome is developing some type of mea surement tool to satisfy those charged with evaluating ROI. (Yet, another kink.) And before the pixels on their avatar...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 24, 2008
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    Talent Pool

    90 S e p t e mb e r 2003 PharmaVOICE Pharma POOL Stanley BARSHAY Dr. Stephen CHANG Dr. John CURNUTTE Dr.Thomas KOESTLER Dr. Catherine STRADER ScheringPlough Implements Organizational Changes ScheringPlough has announced organiza tional changes within ScheringPlough Research Institute (SPRI) desig...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 20, 2008
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    86 S e p t e mb e r 2003 PharmaVOICE EMEDIA NEW ELECTRONIC AND WEBBASED APPLICATIONS, SITES, AND TECHNOLOGIES optiTRAX, a budgeting and workflow manage ment tool launched by Blue Diesel, has been devel oped specifically for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. optiTRAX is a secure Webbased ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 20, 2008
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    What's New

    weaknesses of a product’s message,” says Howard Ziment, CEO.“What the Messagez approach does is qualify, or even eliminate, much of that debate so product directors and agencies can spend more time and energy being creative.” The Messagez approach involves several phases.First, it assures the cre...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 19, 2008
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    On the Calendar

    September 1819,2003,Westin Princeton — Princeton,N.J. 2nd Annual Edetailing The Center for Business Intelligence’s eDetailing confer ence will provide an interactive forum to discuss how this innovative tool allows companies to access more physicians and ultimately increase sales. For more inform...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 19, 2008
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    For Art's Sake

    CREATIVE review There is a fundamental honesty and integrity in the execution that shies away from nothing. It is bold and stark and vivid, demonstrating real people confronting lifethreatening infections.The photographs are not slick or computer enhanced.They are timeless, fragile, and exquisite...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 19, 2008
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    Direct to consumer advertising has received a great deal of attention in the past few years. No other market segment has received as much analysis, scrutiny, criticism, support, and debate as DTC. Along the way, the industry has also had the opportunity to learn a number of lessons to build upon ...

    By Charles Hunt • March 19, 2008
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    70 S e p t e mb e r 2003 PharmaVOICE For many phar maceu t i ca l ma r keters, the excite ment of launching a brand Website is short lived. Every thing that seemed so perfect, from the cre ative concept to the graphics and content,quickly comes under suspicion when monthly reports show little ret...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 19, 2008
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    The Great Divide


    By PharmaVoice Team • March 19, 2008
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    A Special Breed of Leader

    12 S e p t e mb e r 2003 PharmaVOICE BREEDOFLEADER I got into this business with the ultimate objective to help people. I can’t think of a better way to begin every day. The minute I get in the car and start driving to work I get excited because I know what I am doing is ultimately going to make ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 18, 2008
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    Global Opportunities

    According to Ernst & Young, the sheer volume and growing economic muscle of consumers in emerging markets provide powerful investment incentives for multinational companies (MNCs). In particular, current and projected growth rates for pharmaceutical markets in the BRIC countries and Mexico ex...

    By Robin Robinson • March 2, 2008
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    On the Calendar

    March 1718 3rd Imaging in Preclinical &Clinical Drug Development San Diego For more information, contact Vivian Frankel, GTCBio, at 6262566405, email [email protected], or visit March 1718 The Inaugural U.S.Conference on Comparator Studies Doubletree Hotel,Philadelphia For...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 2, 2008
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    NEW ELECTRONIC AND WEBBASED APPLICATIONS, SITES, AND TECHNOLOGIES Edge Dynamics has added a flexible desktop module within its Demand Management Suite that offers lifesciences manufacturers a way to easily monitor and analyze channel activity data for their products. The Edge Dynamics Demand Dash...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 2, 2008
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    What's New

    WHAT’S NEW NEW HEALTHCARERELATED PRODUCTS, SERVICES, AND COMPANIES HealthEd Group has launched HealthEd Encore, which operates as a standalone agency, in response to increas ing client demand for educational patient marketing campaigns. HealthEd Encore offers a fullrange of ser vices, including c...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 2, 2008
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    Best practices in planning and targeting and conducting office calls, as well as management of relationships, samples, programs, and salesforces are explored. These include the use of automated for mulary data and thoughtleader information to develop sales messages that anticipate formulary restr...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 2, 2008
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    For Art's Sake

    There have been more than a few occasions when I felt I needed nothing short of a magic spell to get a client to run with an unconventional concept — the one that’s wonderfully unique while completely hitting the mark. The team at GSWWorldwide has done just that with their new “Itchcraft”campaign...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 2, 2008
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    The Fourth Tier: Tighter Control of Specialty Drugs

    Managed MARKETS Managed care organizations are tackling the rising costs and expanding use of specialty products. Specialty drugs, injectable biologics, and other highercost drugs that require close supervision and monitoring are the fastest growing segment of the overall pharmaceutical space. Th...

    By Denise Myshko • March 2, 2008
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    A Strategy for Pharma Diversification

    In response to myriad challenges and with the hope of renewing double digit growth, the question becomes whether pharmaceutical firms should hold on to a pure pharmaceutical business model or embrace a more aggressive diversification strategy, says Roger Fournier, a senior executive working at a ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 2, 2008
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    Ted Schroeder — A Thoughtful Note

    BY KIM RIBBINK A THOUGHTFUL ote considered approach to leadership has helped Ted Schroeder guide his team through ups and downs and set Cadence Pharmaceuticals on a defined path, one in which a vibrant culture and strong core values are the keys to its longterm success. N A A Photography by natha...

    By Kim Ribbink • March 2, 2008