Commercialization: Page 80

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    Consumer shifts demand changes in healthcare marketing In its latest report on market insights, Cheskin, a strategic market research and consulting company, defines three consumer trends that are driving the evolution of the healthcare and lifesci ences industry: consumer enlightenment and empowe...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 10, 2009
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    For Art's Sake

    Creative Review This ad is a stopper — but not in the conventional sense.The unflinching in your face attitude of the copy grabs the reader’s attention and captivates him to read the entire page. This effect is successful because the information is new, interesting, and succinct. Rarely, does an ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 10, 2009
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    What's on your mind: Opinions

    Who’s Role Is It? There is an issue that started several years ago in the pharmaceutical industry and is still continuing today — a lack of clear cut roles and responsibilities. In an effort to get the best decisions made in the pharmaceutical industry, input from all areas is critical. For examp...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 10, 2009
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    Raise Your Voice: Letters

    Your article provided lots of great insight from pharmaceutical industry leaders about their individual quests to achieve a return on their investments in IT solutions. It is quite clear that the industry will continue to embrace IT solutions that address key priorities like accel erating and enh...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 10, 2009
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    Letter from the Editor

    PUBLISHER Lisa Banket EDITOR Taren Grom CREATIVE DIRECTOR Marah Walsh CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Diane Hoffman Virginia Kirk Denise Myshko Kim Ribbink Deborah Ruriani Lynda Sears Copyright 2002 by PharmaLinx LLC, Titusville, NJ Printed in the U.S.A. Volume Two, Number One PharmaVoice is published eight...

    By PharmaVoice Team • March 10, 2009
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    Defining GLOBAL

    BY DENISE MYSHKO AND ROBIN ROBINSON KARLA ANDERSON Managing Director, Life Sciences BearingPoint Global is a perspective of looking at the business in its totality, not just at a given market or a given country or a given set of rules and regulations, but at the business as a whole. It’s always c...

    By Denise Myshko and Robin Robinson • March 1, 2009
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    Advertising or Patient Safety?

    Contributed by Frederick J. Balboni Jr., Executive Director, Consortium for the Advancement of Patient Safety (CAPS) What if all label instructions and warnings suddenly disappeared? Issue Overview In May 2010, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry may be faced with a daunting change. The Uni...

    By Frederick J. Balboni Jr • Feb. 27, 2009
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    Global Thought leaders

    Karla Anderson, Managing Director, Life Sciences, BearingPoint Inc. — A provider of management and technology consulting services. For more information, visit Leone Atkinson, M.D., Senior Director of Clinical Development, PTC Therapeutics Inc. — A biopharmaceutical company focus...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 27, 2009
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    Mobile Marketing

    by Robin Robinson Experts anticipate that mobile marketing is going to contribute significantly to the pharmaceutical marketing mix in the future. From text messages to videos, smart phones can be used to help educate and mentor a patient to be more compliant and adherent and create better relati...

    By Robin Robinson • Feb. 27, 2009
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    GLOBAL Marketing Trends Communication Around Risk Management

    Proactive communications around risk management is a new critical success factor for life-cycle management. Ilyssa Levins • The Center for Communication Compliance Everyone needs to be accountable for regulatory compliance, including communication agencies, which can no longer abdicate responsibi...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 27, 2009
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    Myth or Fact? GLOBAL Branding

    by Robin Robinson Brand development has gone global, while execution, for the most part, remains local. While marketers have developed effective strategies and executions to create successful multinational campaigns, what constitutes a global brand remains up for debate. “Creating global position...

    By Robin Robinson • Feb. 27, 2009
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    GLOBAL Development

    BY DENISE MYSHKO Drug developers are looking to emerging markets and increasing their outsourcing efforts as ways to access expertise and reach. Pharmaceutical companies will continue to globalize their preclinical and clinical development activities to increase speed-to-market and expand their p...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    GLOBAL Talent

    As companies globalize and seek to maximize the opportunities and challenges that result, they need to ensure that they have an understanding of the talent potential that exists globally. All too often companies think in local operating terms or seek to attract talent within the country where the...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Buying Big GLOBAL

    How M&A Impacts the Pharma Market As patent expirations and dwindling pipelines, along with an embattled economy, put a dent on pharma profits, acquisitions again become a necessity for large pharma companies seeking to maintain a healthy bottom line. With Pfizer’s purchase of Wyeth, among ot...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Going... Going... GLOBAL

    by Robin Robinson Companies are exploring new business opportunities and models to better manage operations located around the world. Fred Hassan • Schering-Plough We’ve been working very hard to develop our global culture, and by that I mean the way people can expect to work with each other — or...

    By Robin Robinson • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Talent Pool

    Pharmaceutical POOL Deirdre CONNELLY GlaxoSmithKline Selects Head of North American Pharma Business Deirdre Connelly, former president of U.S. operations at Eli Lilly, has joined GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) as president, North American pharmaceuticals. Ms. Connelly was appointed president of U.S. opera...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Sales, marketing, And R&D Trends affectinga the healthcare industry EU Candidate Countries Offer Ripe Field for Clinical-Trial Recruitment Conducting clinical trials in Europe is not a new concept for global pharmaceutical companies, but choosing the country in which to hold a particular tria...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Contributed by Ken Begasse Jr. The Changing sales model provides greater value for customers Over the past few years, the practice of healthcare has changed significantly, forcing marketers to reevaluate their strategies, tools, and tactics. One change has been to reverse the previous trend towar...

    By Ken Begasse Jr. • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Milestones kinetix turns 10 Kinetix, a specialized healthcare consulting firm that uses exclusive, proprietary communication channels to build and implement live and online marketing programs, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Over the last 10 years, Kinetix has developed strategies to communi...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Raise Your Voice

    A winter of discontent Oh, yes, change is in the air. Alan Greenspan is humbled before a congressional committee, forced to admit that perhaps, just perhaps, his faith in the market was misplaced. If this paragon of libertarianism finds himself nonplussed, it is no surprise that lesser lights amo...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Letter from the Editor

    Global is as global does A New World Order Welcome to the first annual Going Global special issue. We recognize that spanning the globe like Jim McKay is no easy feat and impossible to do in one publication, but we hope to avoid the agony of defeat as we bring you a sampling of the trends and eve...

    By Taren Grom • Feb. 26, 2009
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    Venture Capital: Funding Challenges

    VENTURE CAPITAL: CAUTIOUS investment Venture capital firms are sitting on massive funds and are still doing deals, but their energies are focused on reinvesting in portfolio companies and safer latest age deals. As a result, it has never been harder for the early stage pure startup to get funded....

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 23, 2009
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    A Community Approach

    As many pharmaceutical companies are finding, healthcare begins within the community, and a regional program, with health information that helps patients at a local level, might just win a company the hearts, minds, and ultimately buying power of those community members. For an industry confronte...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 23, 2009
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    Delivering on the Promise


    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 23, 2009
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    SALES, MARKETING, AND R&D TRENDS AFFECTING THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY GENERICS SECTOR Expected to Double by 2007 According to Datamonitor, by 2007 the generics market is expected to be valued at $57 billion, more than twice its estimated value of $27 billion in 2001. Researchers at the company c...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Feb. 22, 2009