Commercialization: Page 56

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    Telehealth and Patient Outcomes: The Wave of the Future

    Now more than ever, the industry faces the challenge of demonstrating that its products improve health outcomes and, therefore, companies need to take greater efforts to supply and support tools that help track patient outcomes and improve care. Experts participating in this forum about pharma’s ...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Talent Pool

    Pharmaceutical POOL Melissa Barnes Anne Nobles Lilly Names New Ethics Chief Melissa Barnes has been promoted to chief ethics and compliance officer and senior VP president of enterprise risk management at Eli Lilly and Company. In her new role, Ms. Barnes reports to John Lechleiter, Ph.D., chairm...

    By Anne Gray • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Sales, Marketing, and R&D Trends from Industry Analysts Featured Briefs: Soft Metrics Uncover Medical Publications’ True Value Use of Efficacy and Effectiveness May Skew Reimbursement Decisions Extraneous Data Collected in Clinical Trials Cost Drug Developers Leading Biosimilar Companies Expe...

    By Denise Myshko • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Tools of the Trade

    New Electronic and Web-based Applications, Sites, and Technologies Featured Briefs: Symphony Health Solutions Launches ePrescribing Solutions Suite Optum Accelerates Late-Phase Research E-UPGRADES AND ENHANCEMENTS In other technology news Source Healthcare Analytics, a Symphony Health Solutions c...

    By Denise Myshko • Dec. 27, 2012
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    What's New

    New Trade Organization Launched With Goal Of Creating A Voice For Research Sites Trending Now: Industry veterans seek to give sites an active community. The Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) was launched in October 2012. SCRS was founded in response to the growing need for a trade organi...

    By Taren Grom • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Marketing Tips & Techniques

    Marketing Tips & Techniques: Mobile Trending now: As the screen shrinks and opportunities increase, experts provide tips for mastering mobile marketing. Editors Note: This month, PharmaVOICE is launching a new department: Marketing Tips & Techniques. Each month, we will address an issue o...

    By Taren Grom • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Randstad Searches for Inspiration Randstad, a staffing company, has launched the 2nd Annual Inspiring Experts video contest, which gives students a chance to win a $10,000 ­scholarship and professionals a chance to win $5,000 cash and $5,000 to give to their favorite charity. Videos should share ...

    By Taren Grom • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Letter from the Editor

    Are You Ready for 2013? You may not need to dig out the Crystal ball to predict that in 2013 one of the driving trends is going to be outcomes. How important will real-world evidence be to demonstrate a product’s value? Well, according to a PwC recent survey for its “From Vision to Decision Pharm...

    By Taren Grom • Dec. 27, 2012
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    Embedded Systems

    If someone would have told you as recently as three years ago that you would be using your smartphone as much as your laptop, you might have dismissed them. The same would be true of someone telling you that you would be using a 10-inch screen with no keyboard as your only home computer, but the ...

    By Chris Cullmann • Nov. 13, 2012
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    The Paradox of the Fanny Pack

    Remember when — oh, some 10 to 15 years ago — when we had multiple digital devices clipped to our belts? Certain people had so many things to carry, they strapped a fashionable fanny pack around their waist to contain all of these gadgets. At the time, we were amazed by these tiny digital devices...

    By Boris Kushkuley • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Reshaping the Iron Triangle: Better Software Processes For Tomorrow's Life-Sciences Technology

    According to some estimates, technology is advancing at a pace of 5 million new ideas/inventions per second. As new platforms and terms such as SaaS, Big Data, and cloud abound, there is exponentially increasing pressure for software producers and consumers to keep up with the latest use of softw...

    By Chris Middleton • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Understanding Protocol Complexity Produces More Accurate Investigator Site Budgets

    Protocol complexity metric, also known as site work effort (SWE), measures the effort required by site staff to implement the procedures in a clinical trial protocol. This metric is based on the amount of time that it takes for the investigative site to perform a procedure called for in the proto...

    By Frank Cattie • Nov. 13, 2012
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    The 6 Keys to Effective e-Detailing: Optimizing the IPAD Experience With Closed-Loop Marketing

    There has never been a better time to evolve our pharmaceutical sales model beyond the typical rep/physician interaction. Studies show that in-person sales visits are declining in effectiveness. The top 40 pharmaceutical companies in the United States employ about 80,000 sales reps — doubling sin...

    By Erin Byrne • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Marketing Physicians Trust

    In The Tipping Point, author Malcolm Gladwell said: “The most powerful selling of products and ideas takes place not marketer to consumer but consumer to consumer." He couldn’t have been more on point. In fact, according to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer, only 20% of the people surveyed trust...

    By Stephanie Brown • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Think Differently. Connect Effectively.

    Take a chance, but be cautious. Do something new, but hold on to what’s familiar. Spend less, but deliver big. Be an industry leader, but show me someone else who did it first. This is the balancing act that challenges many pharmaceutical marketers today. Here’s one answer: Cookie your target aud...

    By Robert Carmignani • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Find Your Target Audiences and Connect With Them

    Healthcare professionals and health consumers are using digital channels more than ever before, and the medium’s popularity continues to grow each day. Pharma marketers want to connect with these audiences and are having increasing difficulty doing so as media fragments. A critical disconnect is ...

    By R.J. Lewis • Nov. 13, 2012
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    SHOWCASE FEATURE: E-Solutions: E-Solutions On The Move

    The fast and furious adoption of smartphones and tablet computers has created a need for more mobile, flexible e-solutions across all functions of the life-sciences enterprise. Findings from Kalorama Information’s recent report, Market for Mobile Medical Apps, valued the market for mobile medical...

    By Carolyn Gretton • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Experts: Thought Leaders

    Mike Ackermann, Ph.D. Senior VP, Global Commercial Solutions, Quintiles, a ­biopharmaceutical services company offering fully integrated clinical, commercial, consulting, and capital solutions. For more information, visit Faraz Ali. VP, Program Management and Commercial Planning, b...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Global: IT

    Managing Big Data in the Cloud In the midst of an information explosion, cloud computing offers a solution. In the midst of an information explosion, cloud computing offers a solution. In the midst of an information explosion, cloud computing offers a solution. The era of big data is here, and he...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Sales: New Strategies

    Sales of the Future: New Tools, New Roles, New Strategies Salesforces target smaller audiences, with more customer service. Threatened by downsizing and mergers, disrupted by managed-care policies, and stalled by no-see physicians — the list on the challenges facing today’s sales reps goes on and...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Marketing: Public Relations

    PR Goes Digital With the advent of digital media, the role of public relations has a greater responsibility to manage and protect a company’s reputation, while increasing visibility. According to Rob Bazemore, president, Janssen Biotech, PR plays a valuable role in building and maintaining the vi...

    By Robin Robinson • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Marketing: Digital Media

    Using Digital Media Wisely Campaigns need to follow objectives, not channels Experts say creating an experience for patients that allows them to engage with a company beyond its therapies is the most effective use of social media, delivering meaningful information to both the patient and the orga...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 13, 2012
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    Marketing: New Strategies

    Digital Marketing: Driving New Strategies in 2013 Increasing interest and investment rev up digital channel use. According to reports from Cutting Edge Information, pharmaceutical companies have been increasing their investment in digital marketing strategies over the past three years, and growth...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 13, 2012
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    R&D: The New Paradigm

    The New R&D Paradigm The industry needs to continue developing innovative drugs to address high unmet needs, while addressing the speed and quality of drug discovery, development, and commercialization. Large and small biopharma companies are seeking to increase the efficiency and productivit...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 13, 2012
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    The C-Suite: Corporate Strategies

    A New Path Ahead According to a recent Quintiles New Health report, a lack of capital and the increased reluctance of payers to reimburse for new medications are serious concerns among biopharma companies. Everyone is in agreement that the current level of healthcare spending is unsustainable, an...

    By PharmaVoice Team • Nov. 13, 2012