s economic constraints and healthcare reform efforts continue to reshape the pharmaceutical landscape, promotional strategies are also evolving.
Carolyn Gretton, editor of this month’s VIEW forum found that marketing efforts are continuing to move toward more precise targeting of physicians and patients through the use of smaller, flexible, specialized salesforces, and social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Over the long term, this trend toward more personalized marketing is expected to continue as the R&D focus on personalized medicine gives rise to the next generation of pharmaceutical products. Given the challenging economic environment over the last year, many companies, including GlaxoSmithKline, have increased their focus on being more efficient and effective in delivering value to their customers in every interaction they have, including new media. “GSK continually examines how healthcare providers and patients seek and access information, and social networking tools may provide us with an opportunity to listen and connect with customers in new ways and better provide them with the type of information they value, when they want it, where they want it," says GlaxoSmithKline’s Deirdre Connelly. Mike Derkacz of Cephalon reminds marketers that brand teams need a deep understanding of both the opportunities and the latest regulations to engage physicians and patients through social media channels in an appropriate and effective manner. Josh Franklin of Cornerstone Therapeutics believes that over time, social networking will become a part of the marketing mix and the communication strategy for pharmaceutical products, but it’s going to be driven by some of the industry leaders mapping out what’s acceptable. Experts say as targeted promotional initiatives become the mainstay, maintaining that customer focus is more important than ever. Chris Mario of Neuropharm says this evolution, in many instances, has prompted a reevaluation of tactical spending and alignment with strategic intent, key objectives, and critical success factors. “There is an eye toward eliminating random acts of marketing," Mr. Mario says. As the days of multiple sales representatives calling on one physician are gone, Walt Johnson of Astellas US says today it’s all about targeting resources, and targeting is about bringing value in the form of clinical expertise and customized messaging. An overview of value-targeted marketing, ways in which to safely navigate social networking, salesforce changes, a review of the PhRMA code one year later, and insights on how healthcare reform will impact marketing plans are just a few of the topics covered in this issue. The contributed thought pieces are a great complement to our industry experts. We welcome your feedback in terms of what factors and trends you believe will impact marketing and promotion in the next year. Taren Grom Editor A target-rich environment Publisher Lisa Banket Editor Taren Grom Creative Director Marah Walsh EDitorS Carolyn Gretton Denise Myshko Kim Ribbink design associate Ariel Medel national account manager Cathy Tracy CIRCULATION Kathy Deiuliis Copyright 2009 by PharmaLinx LLC, Titusville, NJ Printed in the U.S.A. Volume Seven, Number Three VIEW is published as a special issue to PharmaVOICE, which is published monthly except August and December, by PharmaLinx LLC, P.O.?Box 327, Titusville, NJ 08560. Periodicals postage paid at Titusville, NJ 08560 and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to PharmaVoice, P.O. Box 292345, Kettering, OH 45429-0345. VIEW and PharmaVoice Coverage and Distribution: Domestic subscriptions are available at $190 for one year (10 issues plus VIEWs). Foreign subscriptions: 10 issues plus VIEWs US$360. Contact PharmaLinx at P.O.?Box 327, Titusville, NJ 08560. Call us at 609.730.0196 or FAX your order to 609.730.0197. Contributions: The VIEW and PharmaVoice are not responsible for unsolicited contributions of any type. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, The VIEW and PharmaVoice retain all rights on material published in The VIEW and PharmaVoice for a period of six months after publication and reprint rights after that period expires. E-mail: [email protected]. Change of address: Please allow six weeks for a change of address. Send your new address along with your subscription label to PharmaVoice, P.O. Box 292345, Kettering, OH 45429-0345. Call us at 800.607.4410 or FAX your change to 937.890.0221. E-mail: [email protected]. Important notice: The post office will not forward copies of this magazine. The VIEW and PharmaVoice are not responsible for replacing undelivered copies due to lack of or late notification of address change Advertising in VIEW or PharmaVoice: To advertise in a VIEW or PharmaVoice please contact our Advertising Department at P.O.?Box 327, Titusville, NJ 08560, or telephone us at 609.730.0196. E-mail: [email protected]. www.pharmavoice.com Volume 7 • Number 3 A supporting publication to Pharmavoice